Paraco's Propane Learning Center

Paraco gas is expanding into the hvac industry

Paraco Gas is Expanding Into the HVAC Industry

Paraco Gas has been in the heating and fuel industry for decades — as our…

Propane tank recertification

Propane Cylinder Requalification Explained

We all need to check in at specific points in our lifespan to see if…

Home energy budget 1

Take Control of Your Home Energy Budget

We’re your trusted energy-efficient propane provider and want to help make your propane budget as…

Own vs rent your propane tank

To Rent or Own Your Propane Tank: Pros & Cons

It should come as no surprise that we love propane, as do many millions of…

Electricity isnt the only way

Propane for The Environment: Electricity Isn’t The Only Way

The energy crisis is in the news on a regular basis because it’s a situation…

Tips to save energy and reduce your energy bills

Tips to Save Energy & Reduce Your Energy Bills

Even during the coldest seasons, rest assured you’ve chosen wisely to utilize propane, a green,…

Propane beats electric again

Electric Vs. Propane Water Heaters

Many use propane appliances in their homes for cooking, heating, and outdoor living. However, some…

Propane for mobile homes

Effective Heating for Mobile Homes

Propane is a great way to heat your mobile home efficiently and reliably. It can…

Power outage safety

Power Outage Safety Tips for Propane Users

At Paraco, safety is a core value. Please keep these tips in mind to ensure…