Paraco Headlines


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Christopher ng

Christopher Ng | A Milestone Moment & Decade of Success!

Today, February 10, 2024 we are thrilled to celebrate Christopher Ng on his 10-Year Anniversary…

Gerry lussier

Gerry Lussier | Two Decades of Dedication!

Today, February 4, 2024 we are proud and thrilled to celebrate Gerry Lussier on his…

Bob hagan

A Celebratory Shout Out to Robert Hagan! 10 Years of Making a Difference

On this January 27, 2024, we’re thrilled to celebrate Robert (Bob) Hagan on an amazing…

Paraco Cares – Holiday Giving 2023

Paraco Cares – Holiday Giving 2023

This month, we wanted to reflect on the incredible impact our Paraco family has made…

Brandon walsh head shot

Brandon Walsh: A Decade of Dedication!

Today, January 6, 2024 we celebrate Brandon Walsh on his 10-Year Anniversary in our Paraco…

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Celebrating Rosalie Ferrante’s 15-Year Milestone Work Anniversary!

A very happy work anniversary shout out to Rosalie!  This December 1, 2023 is Rosalie’s…

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Celebrating Tammy Lasusa on her 15-Year Milestone Anniversary!

Today, November 19, 2023 we are thrilled to congratulate Tammy on her 15-year work anniversary!…

Cassandra schaefer

Celebrating Cassandra Schaefer on her 10-Year Milestone Anniversary!

Today, November 19, 2023 we want to congratulate Cassandra on her 10-year work anniversary with…

Debbie formatted

Celebrating Debra Sciortino’s 10-Year Milestone Work Anniversary!

Congratulations to Debra (Debbie) on her 10-year work anniversary today, November 6, 2023! Debbie works…